Doing business in...

This page gathers all the Doing Business Guides available so far in all Mazars countries. These publications aim at presenting Mazars to investors wishing to do business overseas.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about any of these publications, we will be more than pleased to provide you with additional information.

Doing business in Ukraine 2024

This guide, created by Mazars in Ukraine experts, is designed to provide insights into Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction, empowering you to take the first steps towards participating in these initiatives.

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Doing business in Korea 2023

Korea is a prominent country globally, known for its strong presence in industries such as automotive, semiconductors, and shipbuilding.

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Doing business in Germany 2023 – Trends and opportunities

Germany, as one of the highest developed industrial countries has been very attractive for investors for many years. The country offers numerous opportunities to do business throughout Europe, making it an ideal location for accessing the European market.

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Doing business in Israel 2023

Israel is a country that has long held a reputation for having a strong and vibrant economy. The country’s economy is extremely diversified, with significant economic activities taking place in the agricultural, industrial, high tech, biotech, and financial industries to name a few.

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Doing business in The Netherlands

Ever thought of doing business in the Netherlands? And what this country has to offer you? Next to the opportunities, you need to think about the challenges before setting up business activities. The Dutch fiscal climate can affect your business positively, but can also have a negative impact, when not taking the right steps. Your activities will be successful only if you and your company are familiar with the Netherlands and the principal rules and regulations. Mazars’ accountants and tax advisers will help you and act as your personal guide.

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Doing business in France

Investing in France has many advantages. With more than 65 million people, and the second largest market in Europe, France is critical for most global companies. As a location, France offers a predictable and transparent legal system, outstanding infrastructure, and access to one of the world’s most lucrative consumer markets.

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Doing business in China 2022

The 2022 Doing Business in China guide has been prepared to provide an overview of the People’s Republic of China to investors wishing to do business in this booming market.It features topics such as setting up business entities in China, tax and financial systems, financial reporting and audit standards, immigration and employment, etc.

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Doing business in Korea 2022

Korea is an exciting country with a strong global presence in several industries such as automotive, semiconductors, and shipbuilding.

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Doing business in Africa

Whether they have long settled abroad, just set foot in a new country or barely started to consider where their next move should be, companies need a good understanding of regional trends as well as practical guidance on how to run a business locally. Based on Mazars’ extensive international experience and in-depth local expertise, our ‘Doing business in…’ series shed light on crucial matters that business leaders should consider when operating or expanding in different geographies.

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